Why I love Pinterest so much 📌
During 2018, I became hyper-focused on Pinterest. I joined a coaching group and was fascinated by the benefits of this platform I ignored for years.
I learned that there was more to Pinterest than recipes and nail art. One of my former coach agency clients found success on Pinterest. This client was a conveyor belt manufacturer!
Pinterest is a search engine despite its reputation as a social media platform. It’s everything but. The main factors that make Pinterest unique are:
- “Pins” live forever. They are evergreen and long-lasting. Social media posts are shown chronologically and become obsolete every day.
- Pinterest users are relaxed and looking for inspiration. They are in a buying mindset. They are not distracted by keeping up with old friends and influencers. Their behavior shows that they are highly intent on planning and shopping.
- Pinterest allows users to leave their platform. It’s almost impossible to click out of Facebook and Instagram. The platforms want you to stay there, and they do everything in their power to make sure you do. With Pinterest, you can visit another website and find something you like. Customers will come to your store!
- Pinterest has 84.6 million users in the US.
- Pinterest uses visual cues combined with its text search algorithm to predict behavior. This incredible data point collection opportunity will be very useful for us in targeting our ideal audience.
I chose one store in particular and implemented all the strategies I learned. I worked dutifully on it for about 18 months. I dedicated time weekly to creating pins, posting, engaging with them, and analyzing them. This was far from a full-time activity, but I was dedicated and consistent.
It all came to a halt when Ian had a serious health scare, and our life as upended. I suddenly stopped everything between him, the kids, and other family obligations. I put my stores on auto-pilot and told my VAs to contact me only in case of a Category 5 customer emergency. I gave them the authority to make decisions as they pleased. Unfortunately, I was alone working on Pinterest, so the work stopped abruptly.
Ian recovered, but I lost momentum with other projects. However, occasionally, I sneak into Pinterest analytics to see if my account has tanked due to a lack of activity.
Last week, a full five years later, I am still getting about 10% of all my traffic from Pinterest. Last month, I sold $6,700 from Pinterest referrals to my store.
Below is the analytics page screenshot.
The evergreen aspect of Pinterest cannot be underestimated. All your work on Pinterest, as long as it follows high-quality standards, is a seed we are planting to reap for years to come. This is true for most SEO work, but Pinterest is special to me.
Explore additional free growth strategies for your store: https://www.amplifymediastrategies.com/blogs/shopify/5-growth-strategies-for-your-e-comm-stores-first-six-months
Our agency now offers done for you social media and Pinterest services. Find out more here! If you have any questions, email us at hello@amplifymediastrategies.com.